Friday, October 11, 2013

Top Five Comedy TV Shows

Top Five Comedy TV Shows 
The following television shows are different comedy shows I enjoy watching. They each have their own sense of humor and have different distinct story lines. I would highly recommend them all.
5. The Office
The Office is one of NBC's top comedy television shows. The show is a documentary about a group of people who work in Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, a made up company, as paper salesmen. Steven Carell stars as Michael Scott, the idiotic branch manager who always manages to mess things up. He typically means well and tries to be the best boss, but comes across as a jerk and possibly the world’s worst boss. Dwight Schrute, odd farm owner salesmen, obsesses over his boss, while every other employee sees the stupidity in him. The show also has a romantic edge to it with a few couples through out the office.

I personally enjoy the show simply because of how each character’s attitude towards Michael Scott. The way he tries to act cool yet most of them treat him as if he is completely incompetent makes me laugh at every episode. Also, the love stories are sweet as they develop through out the show.
4. Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation is another one of NBC’s comedy television series featuring a very American story line. The show is about Leslie Knope, played by Amy Poehler, trying to make her community a better place. From the beginning, she struggles to get a huge hole filled that was left from an abandoned construction project. As the deputy director of her city’s Parks and Recreations Department, she does all in her power to make the project work. Her struggles when interacting with the head of the department and having to deal with the various people in the office are what make the show funny. Most of the people working the office are incompetent and lack any type of motivation. Unlike the others, Leslie fights for her projects, but not for her love life.

The show is comical for the whole reason of how dysfunctional the office really is. Leslie tries hard to make things right, but even with her dedication she lacks in good judgment sometimes. 

3. How Met Your Mother
How I Met Your Mother is CBS hit comedy series about Ted Mosby and his friends’ lives in Manhattan. They are a group of five late twenties people, who have become best friends and are making their way through life. Ted Mosby is a warm hearted guy who just wanted to find the one. Through his journey his friends have been there to boost him up when he looses hope and laugh at him when he is to ridiculous. Through out the seasons, the episodes start off with his kids sitting on a couch and him telling them the story about how he met their mother. The story goes on for nine seasons only giving us light hints of who it could be until the last episode. As Ted searches for his soul mate, his friends go through thick and thin with him.

I like this show because it shows how friendship can be so funny and loving all at the same time. The love story of how Ted goes through so much just to find his one true love is full of funny adventures that made me watch every single episode of the show.
2. New Girl

Fox’s comedy television show, New Girl is a about a qwerty young woman named Jess who moves in with three guy into their loft apartment after finding their ad on Craigslist. Each of the three guys has a different personality, which makes their interaction with Jess funny as the show progresses. One of the guys is self centered and is constantly looking for girls until he falls in love with Jess’s best friend. Another is an African American named Winston who always has the funniest comments and seems to have those most common sense out of all of them. The last of the three is Nick who Jess falls in love with. The relationship is predictable from the beginning, but does not develop until later in the show making you come back form more.

I love this show because I love how Jess is always her own self and always manages to make everything funny. Each of the relationships give the show something to come back for making over all one of my favorite shows.    
1. Modern Family
Modern Family is ABC’s award winning comedy aired as a documentary style show. It is about a family and how even though it is extremely dysfunctional, it comes together with love. One of the families is the father who remarried a much younger Colombian woman, and gained a stepson. His relationship with his stepson starts off rough since his Manny, the stepson, acts like an old man in a young boys body. He isn’t use to that since his kids where nothing like that. His daughter’s family is another family featured on the show. She has three extremely different kids and a warm hearted, goofy husband. Her oldest is rebellious, the middle child is the studious good one, and the last one is slow one. Her life is a comedy in itself. The last family is the son’s family, which is made up of him, his partner, and their adopted Asian baby girl. Their daughter makes their life eventful in the funniest of ways.

Modern Family is a show I’ve been watching since it came out. The whole story line is relatable making the jokes even funnier. The families coming together with their problems, each different as they are, made a comedy showing how families today can be unique but still a family. 

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