Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Contaversy of the Redskins

Being in the twenty first century, the United States has overcome an extreme amount of racism in its history. However, the issue of race is still a delicate subject when addressing those who feel as if they are shadowed by their ancestor’s dark past. Addressing one by the color of their skin can be used to degrade them. The NFL has a history of having multiple teams named provocatively inferring a racial slur. One of the most current debates is over the Redskin’s name and whether it should be changed. Their name can be taken as an insult to a Native American’s seeing as a professional athletic team was named a racial slur that is commonly used to insult them. Looking back at the United States past, it can be understood that we are ever changing and evolving towards the ideology of a nation made up of differences. African Americans, woman, Native Americans, and now even homosexuals have gained rights as individuals in the United States. The United States was born on the ideals that it would be a place of freedom for all. Therefore, a degrading racial slur towards our own citizens demeans the ideals of the United States and undervalues all we have become.

            Many people argue that changing the name of the Redskin’s would be a negative action to take. The Redskin’s having been founded in the year 1937, have survived through decades creating a history and identity that not only the players can identify with, but the fans and Americans as well. Along with the fact that changing the name would mean ultimately taking away years of character, it would be tremendously expensive. To most, the price and importance of history undermines the fact that it could be taken wrongly by some. As much as the team means to so many Americans and the history of the game itself, Native American citizens should be able to feel respected while they take part in the famous American pastime as others are. There are no other known mascots or team names discriminating against other races. Therefore, this directly targets the Native Americans. There are many other teams as well in college football and other sports that do have Native American slurs as team names. As a consequence, the overwhelmingly amount of team names in sports emphasizes the targeting of Native Americans ethnicity and can lead to them feeling discriminated against. Seeing as the United States of America is built off of different beliefs, morals, races, and cultures, changes to society in legislation, and even now team names is a necessary evil to make society a better place for a nation built for all.
            Although many people argue that the Redskins honors the history of the United States, recognizing the history in such a degrading way could insult Native Americans. The name and mascot of the team does not serve its supposed purpose of honoring anything, it reminds all of the terrible actions that early Americans took against the Native Americans. Having a mascot running around a field in a headdress could be seen as mockery towards the culture that we once pushed from their homes. As the United States continuously grows towards individuals acceptance in society, the riddance of any harsh past is necessary to ensure that the United States lives up to its original purpose and meaning; a free union for all.

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