Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mahsa's Top 5 Comedy Movies!!

Top 5 Favorite Comedy Movies 

5. The Heat

        The Heat is a very funny and sarcastic movie; every part had me laughing till tears ran down my face. This movie is in my top five because it has two of my favorite actresses: Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. They are two undercover cops who don’t exactly get along, which makes the movie even better with all the conflicting attitudes. These cops try to put their differences aside to break down a drug lord, while still maintaining their normal lifestyle. With the amusing talent of Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy, I can’t think of a better movie to watch with my family! I recommend this movie to anyone who has a funny bone in their body because it literally keeps you on your feet and makes you think about what’s going to happen next. I can’t stop but think if the producers/directors are going to make a sequel because the end of the movie did not do it justice!

4. The Hangover

                 The Hangover is absolutely hilarious! I know I’m going to say that about all of my top five movies because they’re comedies, but I don’t care! This movie came out in 2009 and was one of the most watched comedy movies at that time. The actors consist of: Bradley Cooper (Phil), Ed Helms (Stu), Zach Galifianakis (Alan), and Justin Bartha (Doug). As soon as I saw Zack Galifianakis in the movie, I knew this was my kind of movie because he is one of my idols towards comedy. I enjoyed the plot of the movie because you don’t really see anything about guys who wake up from Vegas bachelor parties with no recollection at all. It’s a new kind of comedy that had me hooked! I had so much fun watching this movie because it wasn’t like one of those movies where you get the jokes automatically; you have to have a sense of humor. What makes this movie so good is that there is no limit on the amount of humor told and every single joke is exaggerated. I would only recommend this movie to anyone who can handle anything remotely related to mature content. The four courageous bachelors in this movie really caught my attention and I know they will to anyone else who attempts to watch it!

3. We're the Millers

               I chose We're The Millers as my number three favorite comedy movie because it has many different areas where I could enjoy just simple humor or have some kind of crazy situation. This movie is about a (fake) family made up to convince others that they are normal so they can get across the border for retrieving drugs. Non of the family members truly memorized their role in the fake family and I think the way they purposely created that, I was even more impressed with the movie. It is a 2013 movie and has many of my favorite actors/actresses, including: Jennifer Aniston (as mother Rose), Jason Sudeikis (as father David), Emma Roberts (as daughter Casey), and Will Pouter (as son Kenny). I can honestly say it is a family movie and I enjoyed every scene, especially with "Kenny" because he makes every situation positive even in the most awkward stages. I absolutely recommend this movie to everyone because it has heart-warming family stories and awkward teenage situations, which was extremely funny to watch!

2. Kick-Ass 2

                 Kick-Ass 2 is certainly in my top 2 because of all the crazy action that happens in the movie, while still including some type of comedic relief. Some of the main characters in this movie are: Chlo Grace Moretz (Hit-Girl), and Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Kick-Ass). It is mainly about two kids who fight crime in costumes and are mainly alone until they find people who are exactly like them who are willing to give up everything for the sake of justice. I mainly found this movie intriguing because all of this was going on while there was a whole army plotting against them! I couldn't help but find the awkward costumes as the funniest part of the movie! I mean, some of these costumes are completely simple but I guess that's how it works. Anytime I watch movies that have costumes for people who are fighting in crime, the only thing I can think of is how can no one tell who they are? I don't know but Kick-Ass 2 really showed me how unpredictable some of the characters were, in or out of their costumes. Of course, I won't ruin anything!

1. This is the End

           When I first saw the commercial for this movie, I thought it was a spoof or parody of something on YouTube  I mean, it looked ridiculous! But, wow!! The commercials really didn't do the movie justice. Now, I'm not saying it was an Oscar Award-Winning movie, but it was pretty funny. It includes most celebrities and just when you think it can't get any more intense, the Apocalypse happens. DON'T WORRY, NOT A SPOILER! This movie is about six famous men who attend a party at James Franco's new house and in one night, everything changes. It was released in 2013 and it includes celebrities like: James Franco, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, and Craig Robinson, all playing themselves. I couldn't have imagined a better cast because each and every individual had a specific role and I laughed my but off every time one of the actors started speaking! I will be happy to recommend this movie to everyone I know because it was creatively humorous and perfectly made for people in the mood for something loose and sarcastic.

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