Thursday, October 10, 2013

Minh's Top Five Disney Princesses

I chose to do my top five on Disney princesses because not only do I love Disney movies, but because it also teach us life lessons when it comes to love, sacrifice, and reaching for our dreams. Disney movies are enjoyable for the whole family to sit around and relax. And we all know how Disney movies end, right? They're pretty predictable so don't worry about the minor spoilers if you haven't seen it! They're still worth watching even if you haven't seen it yet. 

So... Let's get to it!

5. Jasmine

Jasmine from Aladdin is an actual princess in the movie. In reality, princesses have arranged marriage and are forced to marry who their parents choose to keep the royal bloodline pure. Back then, the upper class and the lower class did not mix well together (even today they don't!). Princess Jasmine refuses to marry who her father picks. Instead, she falls in love with a peasant on the street with a pet monkey. Princess Jasmine follows her dream to marry a guy she loves despite his social status, which isn’t wrong in my opinion. You only have one life so why not live it with the one you actually love? I have to admit Princess Jasmine started out as a weak character because she ran away when she couldn’t stand up for herself. She just happens to stumble upon Aladdin and fell in love with him! Although she started as a weak character, she developed into a character who stood up for what she wants. Another reason she’s in my top five is because we can all relate to her in reality. We are all weak at times but we eventually become stronger to fight for what we want.

4. Rapunzel

Rapunzel from the movie Tangled is a beautiful character with long golden hair. Of course everyone knows her story. She is a princess trapped in a tower, yearning for adventure outside of the tower. Despite being imprisoned in the tower ever since birth, she has a very optimistic personality. Rapunzel is in my top five because she held so much hope to be free from her “mother.” It shows that we shouldn't ever let go of hope. If we really believe in something, we should take initiative. For example, Rapunzel forced Flynn, the thief, to help her escape or she won't return the item she stole from him. I'm not motivating anyone to use force to get something they want. Rapunzel is a sweet girl; she wouldn't hurt a fly! This movie is really funny through all the adventures Rapunzel and Flynn have together. I love Rapunzel because she is beautiful, hilarious, optimistic, and daring. She never gave up and achieved her dream. She's the kind of girl that would brighten anyone's day!

3. Tiana

Tiana is a recent princess from the movie The Princess and the Frog made in 2009. She loves to cook and her dream is to open up her own restaurant. To accomplish that goal, she works two jobs at the same time. Tiana is a strong-minded, independent character. She sets her goal straight and goes right for it. Tiana was too absorbed into working that she puts friendship and romance aside. When a little mysterious frog asked her to kiss him so he could turn back into a prince, she did it hesitantly. But little did they know that the outcome would be the exact opposite! Tiana turns into a frog herself and goes on a mission to break the spell. Through her entertaining adventures with Prince Naveen as a frog, she came to realize that hard work and success are not the most important things in life, but also love, friendship, and having fun.

2. Belle

Belle started out as an ordinary girl from Beauty and the Beast. She is my number two not only because she is beautiful, but because she is loving, caring, and intelligent as well. Gaston, the villain in the movie, is in love with her but Belle doesn't want him. Gaston is rude, egocentric, and although he may be handsome to the other women in town, he doesn't have a personality. He “loves” Belle because of her beauty. Belle is not like the other women in town. She doesn't care if Gaston is “handsome” and “muscular.” When her father gets imprisoned in the Beast's castle, Belle gives herself up in exchange to let her father go. She is willing to sacrifice herself to the horrific beast for her father to be free. Belle's strong points are her courageousness and loving characteristics. She learns to see the Beast differently when he treats he well. She falls in love with the Beast, who turns into a handsome prince when she kisses him. The main point is, she loved a Beast when no one thought that could be possible. The attractiveness of someone does not matter. It is the personality that wins the heart.

1. Mulan

Mulan is my favorite Disney princess. She's brave, selfless, and badass. When the Huns invade China, one man from each family must go to war. Seeing that her father isn't fit to fight in war, Mulan takes his place in war without her parent's consent. She disguises herself as a man and leaves for war, which is highly forbidden. Women are not allowed to fight because their duty is to only marry and do housework. Mulan was ridiculed for being weak while training with a group of men. Wanting to show General Shang that she can fight just as hard, she pushes herself to become stronger. In the end, Mulan saves China and proves that women can fight, too.
Another reason why I picked Mulan as my first choice is because in reality, everyone can relate to her. Her parents wanted her to go to the matchmaker to get matched for marriage. When Mulan couldn't get matched because she messed up, she becomes a dishonor to her family. This is relatable to reality because society says you can either be perfect or worthless. Her character teaches to be true to yourself and do what you want, whether you are male or female. Mulan teaches love, family sacrifices, and gender equality. In the end, she made her father proud.

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