Friday, October 11, 2013

Top 5 Pokemon for 2013

 My top five comprises of my favorite Pokemon of 2013, not only because I harbor the dream "to be the very best that no one ever was"(Pokemon, theme 1), but because in order to be the very best, you have to make bonds with your furry little bundles of fury to become stronger.

5. Pancham 
Pancham (left) is a Pokémon from the sixth generation of Pokémon. It is the first genuine panda Pokémon; unlike the pseudo-panda, Spinda, which looks more like a rabbit with those ears. With a type combination of dark and fighting, it is a rebellious fighter; ironically one of its abilities is Iron Fist, which is a fighting style. Looking at the type combination we can see that Pancham has more weaknesses open (i.e. fighting isn’t weak to other fighting type attacks but dark is) but don’t let it discourage you, it has benefits from this type combo too (i.e. fighting types are weak against psychic type attacks but dark types don’t take damage, meaning it won’t take damage from psychic type attacks). Once it evolves to Pangoro (right), it becomes so tough looking that Chuck Norris would want him in his team of Pokémon. As a new Pokémon, all we have is speculations to go upon based on the looks and abilities but that won’t stop me from adding him to the gang!

4. Sylveon
Sylveon is one of Eevee's new evolutions. Our favorite little puffball that becomes one of seven varieties is now one of eight! This new evolution is also one of a brand new type, fairy type Pokémon! What, do you mean Eevee is now part Edward Cullen (first joke, haha)!? NO. Edward Cullen could never be epic enough to take down a dragon type! What..? Dragon types, the type that has been worshiped as deities for the past few generations, being defeated by fairies!? On top of being able to take down a dragon, the dragon's dragon-type attacks have no effect on fairies? With the shenanigans aside, Sylveon has the ability of Cute Charm, it sounds sweet but it only adds to the trouble for male dragon types to take this ball o' fury down. Move aside dragons, new gods coming through! Will they or will they not make a stand against Sylveon?

3. Mega-Kangaskhan

Okay, okay. For you hardcore Pokémon fans, who've played from the original Red/Blue versions. Kangaskhan (right) isn't a new Pokémon but it does play a part in one of the new mechanics in Pokémon; Mega Evolution, or as I'd like to call it Megavolution for short. Kangaskhan gets a Megavolution (left) where its baby Kangaskhan comes out of its pouch and helps it's parent fight. With the new ability Parental Bond it allows the parent and child to hit together, in other words Mega-Kangaskhan hits two times in one turn. The parent-child combo adds to the parental love and child-like attachment to the game. This dynamic duo will put a stop to anyone's devious schemes. With a semi decent attack stat, its Parental Bond ability makes up for the lack of attack power in its attacks and basically doubles the power, for a nasty punch to your opponent's gut; placing Mega-Kangaskhan at number three!

2. Mega-Blaziken
Another Megavolution...? I have a good reason! Blaziken was the very first Pokémon to get a fire-type and fighting-type combination, but in the past two generations. Blaziken's typing has lost its luster and to bring Blaziken back to glory, it gets a Megavolution! This Megavolution is one of my favorites, it looks more like a martial arts master with punches so fast that his fists are on fire. Yes, I meant to do that. Speaking of fast punches, Mega-Blaziken gets a different ability once he Mega Evolves. Speed Boost, which boosts it's speed every turn and eventually, you won't see his punches coming. On top of getting a new ability he also gets a boost in his attack stat, which is already high, adds to the room in the strategies aspiring Pokémon masters can use with Mega-Blaziken in their teams. The power and speed of his attacks and the variety of moves Mega-Blaziken can use places him at number 2!

1. Mega-Charizard X
What, Mega-Charizard X? Why is there an 'X' at the end of the name? Well, there are two Megavolutions for Charizard and you obtain each from the respective versions coming out this week Pokémon X and Y but that's another story, we're focusing on Mega-Charizard X! From the change in coloration, to the new look, Mega-Charizard gains a type change too! From when we were kids, and we've probably watched/played Pokémon and have always assumed Charizard to be a dragon but we were gravely disappointed to find out that he's a fire/flying type. But, we will no longer be disappointed! Mega-Charizard X packs a punch in power, he loses his flying type and gains dragon. Now he's a fire/dragon, what we expected when we were little aspiring trainers! This evolution features a new ability Tough Claws, which boosts attacks where Charizard has to have direct contact with your opponent. Accompanying Tough Claws, Mega-Charizard X recieves a boost in attack and that makes him a threat to an unsuspecting opponent. With my childhood disappointments erased along with Mega-Charizard X's new features, Charizard has taken number one on my list!

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