Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Lies That Parents Tell Us

          Have your parents ever made you think that a person or thing was real? It seems that  parents have always put in their children head that a lot of fantasy figures are real, such as Santa Claus, and Unicorns. Well during a person’s childhood, there is one particular fantasy figure that is talked about all the time. The folktale of this figure is that when a child loses his/her tooth and places it beneath the bed pillow, then this figure will come while the child is sleeping and reward them.

            I first heard about the tooth fairy when I was 5 years old.  I was just starting kindergarten and I was excited about going to a school with people the same age as me. Well one day I realized that one of my front teeth was loose and so when I got home I showed my mother. My mother told me that I was becoming a big girl and that she was proud of me. I asked her why this was happening, and she told me that as I got older my baby teeth were going to start falling out one by one and I was going to start getting big girl teeth like her. Therefore, that made me excited to lose my teeth because that meant that I was getting closer to being able to start hanging with my older cousins. However, she also told me that when my tooth fall out of my mouth that I should put it under my pillow, so that the tooth fairy would come to see me. “Tooth Fairy” I asked, “What is that?” She started explaining what a tooth fairy was and I got happy because I was going to get money whenever my one of my teeth fell out.  I was having fun getting money, but as I got older the money stop flowing and that’s when I realized that the tooth fairy wasn’t real. I was mad at my mother for a while because she lied to me about the tooth fairy.

In today's society, there is a big debate about whether or not a parent should tell their children that the Tooth Fairy is not real and I believed that they should. Why because lying to your child is really deceiving them and “deception does not encourage imagination, it encourages distrust.” I was disappointed when I founded out the truth because my mother had got my hopes up. I use to try in sleep with one eye open so that I can one day see the tooth fairy and tell people I say her. Also, I think that parents shouldn’t lie to their kids about the tooth fairy because “you are really encouraging them to lie you” when you lie to them. When someone lies to you that makes you lose all of your trust in them. So if the parent and child don’t trust each other than that will put a strand on their relationship and they will never see eye to eye. Therefore, in order to keep the peace between the parent and the child, the parent shouldn’t lie to the child.

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