Thursday, November 21, 2013

Parents: Come Clean About Santa

Parents: Come Clean About Santa

Most parents know that lying to their children is wrong. But there has been one constant lie through the years that has been justified by every generation: the existence of Santa Claus. First off, lets look at why parents lie about Santa. Most would say it is because of two reasons, one being the tradition behind Mr. Claus, and the other, the lit-up faces of youth as they receive their presents.
            But are the smiling children worth it? Is the idea of Santa Claus simply a white lie used to expand the imagination of our kids? Or can it have a negative effect on a child. Chaley-Ann Scott fromt points out that an uncovered lie like such can affect a child’s capacity to trust adults. This could pose a real problem. I remember watching the sadness on my siblings’ faces as they caught my parents putting presents under the tree. They were heartbroken and full of questions: “Who puts the presents under the tree?” “Why would you lie to us?” “So he really isn’t real?”
            Lying to children about Santa Claus is quite unnecessary. Had this Christmas tradition not been so widespread, it would be easy for people to realize how ridiculous such fabrications are. Children can enjoy the magic of Christmas without the belief that a fat jolly man wearing a red sweat-suit somehow slides down your chimney and puts your favorite presents under your live tree sitting inside of your house.

            The main problem with the Santa Claus tradition is that it is not a story that one tells their children to broaden their imagination, these are real beliefs put into a child’s head. Parents take advantage of the fact that their children are not fully mentally developed and feed them lies to excite them.  Once children find out, an inevitable occurrence, their hearts will be broken and their trust in their parents will lessen. It is unnecessary and rude to children. Come clean parents, come clean.

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